VZN CleanerjobConfiguration



  • This script is using ox_lib locales. You can edit values in locales/*.json. If you add your language, you can send it us in our discord and we will add it to our script


To Configure logs go to config/config_server.lua and put here your discord webhook

  • if you want to edit logs logic go to server/editable/functions.lua on function called SendLog
-- your wehbhook where logs will be sent
---@type string
SConfig.LogWebhook = "your_webhook_here"


--- If you have custom name of exports / resourceName, change it here to script can works correctly.
--- If you wanna connect your custom framework look at bridge/custom/*.lua.
--- If you wanna edit your framework functions etc look at bridge/your_framework/*.lua
---@type table<string, {resourceName: string, export: string}>
Config.Framework = {
    ESX = {
        resourceName = "es_extended",
        export = "getSharedObject",
    QB = {
        resourceName = "qb-core",
        export = "GetCoreObject",


if you want to change job name required to do job change it in config/config.lua

--- job name that player needs have to use job (remember to add job to db for ESX or to jobs.lua for QBCore)
---@type string
Config.JobName = "cleaner"


  • If player should earn money in cash, set this field to cash (ESX too, not money)
  • If player should earn money in bank account, set this field to bank
--- in which method player will be getting salary for job
---@type 'cash' | 'bank'
Config.SalaryMethod = "cash"


  • pedModel: string | number model / hash of ped
  • pedCoords: vector3 location where ped is and target action to start job
  • pedHeading: number heading of ped
  • vehiclesSpawnPoints vector4[] points where vehicles will be spawn (if first is busy, vehicle will be spawned on second etc)
Config.StartJob = {
    pedModel = "cs_bankman",
    pedCoords = vec3(1231.49, -1083.04, 38.51),
    pedHeading = 127.5,
    vehiclesSpawnPoints = {
        vec4(1217.81, -1070.94, 39.32, 124.72),
        vec4(1213.85, -1067.93, 39.65, 119.05),
        vec4(1210.49, -1064.28, 40.01, 124.72),
        vec4(1206.93, -1060.80, 40.43, 119.05),
        vec4(1202.59, -1057.70, 40.90, 124.72),
        vec4(1197.27, -1055.20, 41.39, 121.88),


  • money: number multiplier how much player earn more money for work with friend
  • xp: number multiplier how much player earn more xp for work with friend
  • you can edit bonus logic in server/editable/functions.lua in function called WorkWithFriendBonus
--- multipliers of amounts if player work with friend
Config.WorkWithFriendBonus = {
    money = 1.15,
    xp = 1.10,


  • enabled: boolean you can disable changing clothes here
  • male: table clothes for male
  • female: table clothes for female
Config.Clothes = {
    enabled = true, -- if you set it to false, player clothes won't change in job,
    male = {
        ['arms'] = 0,
        ['tshirt_1'] = 15,
        ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
        ['torso_1'] = 86,
        ['torso_2'] = 0,
        ['pants_1'] = 10,
        ['pants_2'] = 2,
    female = {
        ['arms'] = 0,
        ['tshirt_1'] = 15,
        ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
        ['torso_1'] = 86,
        ['torso_2'] = 0,
        ['pants_1'] = 10,
        ['pants_2'] = 2,


  • config/config_pavementCleaning.lua
  • minXP: number minimum xp player need to work in this type
  • type: "pavementCleaning" dont change
  • data: table
    • addXP: number how much xp player will earn after complete job
    • vehicle: number | string vehicle model
    • locations: table[]
      • money: number payment for player if complete this location
      • gpsDestination: vector3
      • points: table[]
        • coords: vector3
        • cleaningDuration: number time of progressbar cleaning this points
        • props: table[] you can add multiple props in one point to make stash of trash etc
          • offset: vector3 offset from point coords of this prop
          • heading: number heading of prop
          • model: string | number model of prop


  • config/config_apartmentCleaning.lua
  • minXP: number minimum xp player need to work in this type
  • type: "apartmentCleaning" dont change
  • data: table
    • addXP: number how much xp player will earn after complete job
    • vehicle: number | string vehicle model
    • locations: table[]
      • money: number payment for player if complete this location
      • gpsDestination: vector3
      • insideCoords = vector3 coords where player will be teleported,
      • points: table[]
        • coords: vector3
        • cleaningDuration: number time of progressbar cleaning this points
        • props: table[] you can add multiple props in one point to make stash of trash etc
          • offset: vector3 offset from point coords of this prop
          • rotation: vector3 rotation of prop
          • heading: number heading of prop
          • model: string | number model of prop


  • config/config_roadCleaning.lua
  • minXP: number minimum xp player need to work in this type
  • type: "roadCleaning" dont change
  • data: table
    • addXP: number how much xp player will earn after complete job
    • vehicle: number | string vehicle model
    • locations: table[]
      • money: number payment for player if complete this location
      • gpsDestination: vector3
      • speedLimitWhileCleaning: number in meters/second (if you want to disable it, set it to -1)
      • points: table[]
        • coords: vector3


If you want to edit other logic of script, all open sourced functions is in client/editable/**, server/editable/** and bridge/**/*