To show / hide notifications (for example, some cinematic mode etc) you can use export

  • visible: boolean
    • setting will change the visibility of notifications nui


To add new notification you have to use export

---@class NotifyData
---@field notifType? "error" | "success" | "primary" | "warning" | "money"
---@field designType? 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
---@field duration? number in miliseconds
---@field title? string
---@field message string
---@type NotifyData
local data = {
    notifType = "warning",
    title = "Caution",
    duration = 3000,
    message = "Remember to join our discord and subscribe VZN Scripts on youtube",
  • data: NotifyData
    • notifType: error | success | primary | warning | money
      • the color of the notification
      • if not setted -> primary
    • designType?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
      • the design of the notification Preview
      • if not setted -> default from Config
    • duration?: number
      • time during which the notification will be visible (in miliseconds)
      • if not setted -> default from Config
    • title?: string
      • the title of the notification
      • if not setted -> default from Config
    • message: string
      • message of the notification
      • if not setted -> notification will not appear