- You can translate this script in every language, which you want in
. If you add your language, you can send it us in our discord and we will add it to our script - To configure which json file will be loaded as locales go to
and set fieldConfig.Locales
to name of your file
To configure logs go to s_config.lua
and put here your discord webhook
- if you want to edit logs logic go to
---@type string
SConfig.Webhook = 'your_webhook_here'
--- If you have custom name of exports / resourceName, change it here to script can works correctly.
--- If you wanna connect your custom framework look at bridge/custom/*.lua.
--- If you wanna edit your framework functions etc look at bridge/your_framework/*.lua
---@type table<string, {resourceName: string, export: string}>
Config.Framework = {
ESX = {
resourceName = "es_extended",
export = "getSharedObject",
QB = {
resourceName = "qb-core",
export = "GetCoreObject",
To configure command name, which will opening rewards for invitations menu you can do it in config.lua
in field called Config.ReferencesCommand
---@type string
Config.ReferencesCommand = 'references'
To prevent players, that will be joining on new account, entering friend’s code, and again and again, we decided to add required playtime that player must have player on server to be counted as invited. The logic of this system you can see in server/editable/editable_playtime.lua
(or you can rewrite it to your playtime system). In config you can configure how much seconds of playtime is required. To disable this feature set 0
---@type number seconds how much player must have played on server to be approved as invited player (set 0 to disable) (to prevent exploiters who create new character every time)
Config.RequiredPlaytime = 5 * 60 * 60 --// seconds
The most important thing in this config is rewards. In this table, key is how many invites player need to claim this reward. If you wanna to give other rewards than items you can set custom type of them and implement giving them in bridge/your_framework/server.lua
in function called AddReward
---@class ItemReward
---@field name string
---@field count number
---@field type 'item'
---@class OtherReward
---@field name string
---@field count number
---@field type string
---@field label string
---@field image string
---@alias ConfigReward ItemReward | OtherReward
---@type table<number, ConfigReward> key is invited count, value is reward data
Config.Rewards = {
[1] = {
name = 'burger',
count = 3,
type = 'item'
[2] = {
name = 'money',
count = 500,
type = 'item'
[3] = {
name = 'burger',
count = 5,
type = 'item'
[4] = {
name = 'burger',
count = 5,
type = 'item'
[5] = {
name = 'ammo-9',
count = 20,
type = 'item'
[6] = {
name = 'burger',
count = 5,
type = 'item'
[7] = {
name = 'burger',
count = 5,
type = 'item'
[8] = {
count = 1,
type = 'item'
To encourage players to enter referral codes, when they enter a friend’s code they also get rewards. You can configure these rewards here. Logic is the same as above
---@type ConfigReward[] 3/4 elements should looks good
Config.RewardsForEnterCode = {
name = 'burger',
count = 5,
type = 'item'
name = 'money',
count = 10000,
type = 'item'
name = 'WEAPON_KNIFE',
count = 1,
type = 'item'