Simple notifications with beutiful UI
Download the newest version from Keymaster
Put vzn-notify in your server resources folder
Add ensure vzn-notify
to your server.cfg
Configure it how do you want
Config = {}
---@type boolean
Config.ignoreDuplicates = true -- if the same notification will be duplicated it won't show
---@type keyof Positions
Config.defaultPosition = Positions['top-right'] -- positions.lua
---@type 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Config.defaultDesignType = 3 -- design type of notification (next page)
---@type string
Config.defaultTitle = "Notification" -- default title of notification if it's nil
---@type number in miliseconds
Config.defaultDuration = 5000 -- default duration of notification if it's nil
---@type boolean
Config.debug = false -- all notification data will be printed in console